1. Go to your Account Page by clicking the Account option on the menu 

2. Click the "+" Icon under "Products" on your account page 

3. Fill the Product form with the appropriate details

4. Click the "Save Product" button to save your product.

5. On saving your Product, you will have the option to add Product Variants. By default, 1 default variant is created for you, where you will be able to adjust your quantity.

You may also choose to add other attributes to your product to generate more variants.

6. Let's add a Color attribute to our product

when we click "ADD ATTRIBUTE", we'll get a prompt confirming that we want to go ahead and add the variants:

If we select "OK", then the variants will be created for us:

You can go ahead and add more variants using the first row in the table if you need to and adjust the quantity and price for each variant at any time