We'll show you how to add your PayPal account to your Store, so that your users can checkout with PayPal.

Don't have a PayPal account?

See this video for detailed instructions: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4pW6wIwo5Sk

1. Login to your PayPal account at https://www.paypal.com

2. Once you're logged in you should see your Dashboard:

3. Click on the Gear Icon on the top right hand corner of the screen and click the Account Settings option from the dropdown:

4. Once you're on this page, select the Business Information option from the left hand sidebar:

5. On the Business Information page, you'll see your  PayPal Merchant ID, copy it so you can enter it in your account: 

6. Go to your Account Editing page at https://instavant.com/business/edit and add your  PayPal Merchant ID:

Save your account details and your customers will now be able to Checkout using PayPal 

This includes paying via Credit Card